Best places to eat, drink and have your caffeine hit around Melbourne

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Full disclosure, I am completely un-qualified to tell you the best places to eat in Melbourne. I have been to Melbourne once. BUT, I like food and therefore I went on an internet deep dive to find the best food spots to visit. I struggled. Melbourne is full of places to eat but I found the guides listed mostly really pretentious places. However, because there are so many places to eat though its easy to get a bit overwhelmed if you wing it. So you really need that guide.

So, I put a list together and then collected all the recommendations I could once I arrived in Melbourne and thought you lovely readers may appreciate a list of good food to check out – a guide to the ‘best’ restaurants from a casual foodie that likes a good cheap and cheerful meal out as much as any fine dining establishment (if not more). Oh and I HATE waiting in line so best be assured that although these places are popular you don’t have to wait long.

Before we jump into describing the YUM – if you are headed to Melbourne please use my affiliate link to book a stay at no cost to you. I receive a commission from them which helps me keep this blog running and has the best range of places to stay and almost consistently the best prices too!

Now without further ado….


Meatballs: A meatball and wine bar located on Flinders Lane in the CBD. Amazing comfort food and great cocktails in a nice quiet intimate setting. A bit on the pricey side but you get large portions.

Vietstar: This is a cheap and cheerful eatery in Hawthorn. I recommend the Pho – big portions and as good as the Pho in Vietnam. Almost as cheap too!

Terror Twilight: Really tasty cafe food in Collingwood. Un-fussy but just a little bit different. A few strange combos or things you wouldn’t usually order that actually work really well.

Sonidoi: Wow. Just wow. I live in New Zealand where Arepas are almost impossible to find and Lulo juice doesn’t exist. If you are craving these – head straight to Sonidoi in Fitzroy. My tastebuds were in heaven.

Arepas and Lulo juice at Sonidoi, Fitzroy

Lulo: I have to admit I tried this place because of the name (Lulo is my favorite thing ever) but it didn’t disappoint (well except for there being no Lulo on the menu but i’ll forgive them). Their menu is South American style tapas and they do a great margarita. Again, this ones on the pricey side.

Old Palm Liqour: Located on Lygon street in Brunswick East – from the outside it looks like a small bar with a great vibe but you walk in and the place is huge. Lots of different areas all beautifully decorated and cosy. The food is pricey but tasty European fare and its a great place for large groups.

Fonda: Tacos to die for in such a cute spot with indoor-outdoor booth seating. A great lunch spot. Highly recommended.

Khabbay Restaurant: Amazing Pakistani food on Lygon Street. Also available on Uber Eats.

Frankie’s Torta’s and Tacos: Fitzroy’s best tacos in a cute little diner style location. I wasn’t so impressed with the spicy margarita though (It was salt and peppery rather than chilli) so just fill up on tacos and head elsewhere for a nightcap!


Loop Roof: A rooftop bar in the CBD covered in greenery.

Magic Mountain Saloon: Cute intimate bar with a quiet upstairs area

Degraves Espresso: On one of Melbourne’s laneways. Busy spot with lots of outdoor tables with plenty of heating. Great people watching spot.


Axil: Axil Coffee is so good and the staff are super helpful! There are multiple locations around Melbourne.

Seven Seeds: I visited their location on Little Bourke Street ‘Brother baba Budan’. Their coffee is so smooth and creamy 10/10. Again, they have a few spots around Melbourne and multiple stockists.

Honourable mention for the Borek at Queen Victoria Market – it is so tasty, affordable and easy to eat on the go. There is lots of other great food at the market too so show up hungry.

So what are you waiting for? Book a flight to explore Melbourne now!

Erika xx

Places my baby slept in Vietnam: Photo Essay

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I went to Vietnam with my 2 month old baby (She was 3 months old when we returned after 3 weeks!) and it was the best decision I ever made – It is so easy to travel with a newborn when you can carry them everywhere and they sleep ALL the time!

Here is a sweet photo essay of all the sleeping my baby did while me and the rest of my family were enjoying ourselves! If you would like practical tips on travelling with a baby or young child please see my post here instead.

Disclaimer: I highly recommend you also get an actual hotel room via Despite appearances my child did actually spend every night and a scattering of day naps sleeping in a cot at a hotel haha.


In the above picture my baby is sleeping in the Koo-di Pop-Up Travel Bassinette. It can be used for sleep in a hotel room but is also handy to have for at the airport, beach, park etc. so baby can have a safe space to lie down.

Oh and just for fun here’s one of my toddler falling asleep at the hotel pool too! Travel is TIRING. She slept there for 2 HOURS.

There you have it – sleeping on an aeroplane, a train, a boat, a cruise ship (at the bar), multiple restaurants, a vineyard, a pool, in our arms, on a massage table , in the carrier, on the bed and in a bassinet. And these are just the times we took photos! This baby experienced so many things while travelling haha!

What weird places have your kids fallen asleep? Let me know in the comments!

Erika xx