La Guajira Photo Essay

If you would like practical tips on visiting La Guajira – please see my post on this region of Colombia here.

I wanted to post these photos as a reminder of how beautiful and untouched this paradise is and how fortunate I was to visit (not once but twice!). I hope to take my children back some day and hope that it remains wild and free.

Erika xx

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I'm Erika - based in Auckland, New Zealand but am very much a nomad at heart. Adult life happened so I can no longer just pack up and leave but through scrimping and saving, coercing my husband (and now my kids!) to join me in my adventures and pleading with work to give me time off I manage to do do some of the travel I want to do while leading a 9-5 life. I want to share my love of travel and crazy adventures with you as I explore the world. If you enjoy my writing, let me know! Erika xx

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