Somewhere over South America

When the time came to leave Brazil, it was also time for Peter to head back home to New Zealand. Unfortunately we had different departure areas at the airport and were forced to say goodbye much earlier than we expected. I found myself wondering whether I would be able to cope without him for the next six months.

My flight stopped over in Panama on my way to Mexico. I bought some food here while I waited to board my next plane, charging my purchases to my credit card before realizing that I could have used some of the American dollars I was carrying, as American dollars are the local currency in Panama. Oops!

As I boarded my next flight and sat down, I was handed a rose made out of a napkin by the man in the seat next to me. He proclaimed that it was ‘A Rose for a rose’. I would soon learn that this was a common occurrence in Mexico, overly extravagant proclamations of attraction. However, I quite liked the attention and we had an interesting conversation throughout the flight about how he used to live in the United States as an illegal immigrant and finished high school there before being deported back to Mexico.

Next stop, Ciudad de Mexico (or DF as it is often called).

Until Next Time,
Erika xx

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I'm Erika - based in Auckland, New Zealand but am very much a nomad at heart. Adult life happened so I can no longer just pack up and leave but through scrimping and saving, coercing my husband (and now my kids!) to join me in my adventures and pleading with work to give me time off I manage to do do some of the travel I want to do while leading a 9-5 life. I want to share my love of travel and crazy adventures with you as I explore the world. If you enjoy my writing, let me know! Erika xx

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